財団の事業目的 |Goals of the Foundation
Revival of Japanese Paper日本産の優れた「紙原料」が消滅の危機に瀕しています。私たちは原料の栽培を支援するとともに、古来日本の歴史文化を根底で支え続けてきた「日本のかみ」の真正な製造方法と、それによって得られる世界に類を見ない優れた保存性を有する「紙質」を絶やすことなく次世代へ継承する事業を展開いたします。
High-quality Japanese paper materials are currently facing the threat of extinction. We are committed to supporting the cultivation of these materials while also promoting the authentic manufacturing methods of Japanese paper, which have supported Japan's history and culture for centuries. Through this, we aim to pass on to future generations the unparalleled quality and preservation characteristics of Japanese paper.
Cultural Heritage Preservation with Japanese Paper1850年頃以降工業生産された紙は「酸性紙」と呼ばれるもので、旧来の紙に比べて耐用年数極端に短いものです。そのため、これらの紙を媒体とした世界中の文書・図書などがいま、著しくれ劣化にさらされています。この保存修復ののためには、耐用年数が長く保存性に優れた前期の「日本のかみ」が必要不可欠なのです。世界各地の緊急性の高い修理現場へ修復紙と保村技術を供給支援致します。
Since around 1850, paper produced through industrial processes, known as "acidic paper," has had a significantly shorter lifespan compared to traditional paper. As a result, documents and books worldwide, made from this type of paper, are now suffering severe deterioration. To restore and preserve these items, it is essential to use early-period Japanese paper, which offers long-lasting durability and superior preservation qualities. We provide support by supplying restoration paper and preservation techniques to urgent repair sites around the world.
Promoting and Passing on Cultural Heritage Restoration Techniques世界の文化財の中でも日本の伝統的な表装技術は大変利用価値の高いものです。そこで、この古典技術研鑽の場所と機会を設け、次世代の技術者養成ならびに海外の機関との技術協力や交流を行います。世界の書物に記録された人類の歴史・記憶を後世に残すことは現代人の責務です。私たちは可能な限りの努力をして参ります。
Among the world's cultural heritage practices, Japan's traditional mounting techniques are of significant value. To foster these classical skills, we will create opportunities and places for research and training for the next generation of technicians, as well as facilitate technical cooperation and exchanges with institutions overseas. Preserving the history and memory of humanity, as recorded in books worldwide, is a responsibility we bear. We are committed to making every effort to fulfill this duty.