Establishing the Foundation
Late 1990s :
Meet Mr. Junsaku Koizumi through researching “Sumi-Ink“, and it let to support the creative activity of putting the large dragon painting on the ceiling of Kencho-ji in Kamakura, Kanagawa prefecture. Requested Mr. Akinori Ohkawa to produce Japanese Paper for the paintings. As an outcome, 8 different kinds of Paper for Paintings has been developed.
Through working to put the large ceiling paint up on the important cultural property, meet Mr. Akiyoshi Watanabe from the National Research Institute for Cultural Properties, and this encounter let us to meet many of Important Cultural Properties related people.
At the same timing, started to research about the usage of “Paper“ among today’s Japanese painter.
Year 2004 ~ 2006
Former activities of establishing Kamimori Foundation
Facilitated “Handmade Washi Youth Gathering in Tokyo“ as an administrative office. During this time, came to know the real situation of Paper makers, craft-mans for mounting, framing, and conservators. Through organization called “Tokyo Network“ administrative office, supported conducting the gathering, and meet Mr. Masakatsu Asaki, and have tremendous support from him for establishing the Kamimori Foundation.
紙守財団の収益事業 前進 株式会社「かみ屋」を日本橋に開業。
1. 被災書籍の状態
Year 2007:
Kamimori Foundation’s former organization “Kami ya Co,. Ltd“ was established in Nihonbashi, Tokyo.
Started selling Japanese painting paper, and conservation paper. As one of Kami ya Co,. Ltd’s cultural project, conducting Japan Paper Protection Group, and Support the Important Books of Duchess Anna Amalia Library (Herzogin Anna Amalia Bibliothek (Germany))Group.
In 2004, Duchess Anna Amalia Library building caught fire, and unfortunately it damaged the historic building and important books. For repairing the books, it required quality japanese conservation paper, and techniques. We sent 7 specialist to the research the following ara, and this visit became the very first step of donating conservation paper, and supporting teaching the conservation techniques.
1. Analyse the damage from fire.
2. Method of conservation and direction
3. Conservation techniques and Japanese paper application, and investigate the challenges of conservation.
4. Possibilities of Japanese Document and Books management and conservation application.
Preparing the Cultural Project department to become independent foundation.
「一般財団法人 世界紙文化遺産支援財団 紙守」設立
弊財団設立には、渡邊明義先生はじめ文化財関係者、岡岩太郎氏半田昌規氏など文化財修理関係者、大川昭典氏など紙の研究者、日本各地の紙漉き業者、世界的な問題である酸性紙の諸問題に取り組む研究者及び実践者など多岐にわたる「かみ」の専門家と「日本のかみ」を取り巻く環境を検証した結果、多くの分野の方々に参加していただき、共に再生と保存を図ることが急務であるとの意見で一致し、事業実施の母体として「一般財団法人 世界紙文化遺産支援財団 紙守」下記3大柱を目的に設立しました。
修復紙の供与事業:ドイツ アンナアマリア大公妃図書館の火災被害図書修復被害修理協力を「修理協力会」から引継実施、大量修復部門への「薄楮紙」の供給と表紙用の皮代用の「打ち紙」試作品を提案。
Year 2008
"General Incorporated Foundations World Paper Heritage Support Foundation KAMIMORI" was established.
In order to establish the foundation, there are Mr. Akiyoshi Watanabe and other cultural property officials, Mr. Taro Ohkaiwa and others related to cultural property conservations such as Mr. Masanori Handa, expert researchers of paper such as Mr. Akinori Ohkawa and paper researchers all over Japan. As a result of examining the environment surrounding “Japanese Paper” with a wide range of paper experts such as paper makers, researchers and practitioners working on various challenges in acid paper that are also global issues around the globe. It is an urgent matter to have them participated and work together to revitalize and preserve the quality of authentic paper, So, here we are establishing the “General Incorporated Foundations World Paper Heritage Support Foundation KAMIMORI” with below three main purpose of the foundation.
1. Provide Support for Raw materials for Japanese Paper.
Raw materials made in Japan needed for Japanese handmade paper are currently facing severe endangerment. In addition to supporting the production of these raw materials, we will make efforts to preserve genuine manufacturing methods of Japanese handmade paper, or kami*1 ,and the high quality of permanence achieved through it for future generations to inherit.
2. Provide Support for Institutions in Need of Conservation Paper, and Knowledge in Conservation.
Documents and books around the world from the 1850’s onward consist of acid paper, and are now on the verge of extinction. The abovementioned Japanese handmade paper, superior in permanence, is essential for the repair of these documents and books.
We will voluntarily provide such paper for repair and technical guidance to institutes in the order of urgency.
3. Knowledge and Skill Transfer for Next Generation.
Among the conservation and preservation methods of the world, traditional Japanese mounting techniques prove to be highly useful. We will create a venue and an opportunity for the study of these techniques to foster the next generation of technicians, and begin communication overseas.
Supporting the Conservation Paper Project : For the Duchess Anna Amalia Library, conservation and repair of damaged books and documents due to the fire on the building project was continued as one of the project of Kamimori Foundation from the supporting group, now Foundation is officially established. For the massive amount of damaged item repair, we provided the trial paper, “very thin Mulberry conservation paper”, and alternative for the book cover leather, a paper called “Uchi-shi”.
Knowledge and skill transfer of “Karibari”, and “Uchi-shi” to Duchess Anna Amalia Library conservators.
Started to support the “Expand the production of Wakayama Mulberry Project” organized by the Kochi prefecture Kuroshio town Saga-Hokubu area committee, skill transfer and support by purchasing the harvested mulberry tree skin.
Started to accepting the donation.
星槎学園と協力事業開始:星槎紙守かみ研究所 設立
Year 2009:
Started the Joint project with SEISA Gakuen (school), establish Seisa-Kamimori Paper Institute.
「三月十日東京大空襲 井上有一展」をすみだリバーサイドホールで開催
Year 2010:
Exhibition “The Tokyo Air Raid, March 10th. Yu-ichi Inoue” at the Sumida River Side Hall.
Year 2011:
Donating conservation paper for National library of the Kingdom of Morocco
楮自家栽培の取り組み開始 (2拠点 京都・神奈川)
AFHEPP 機関誌「PapierS」の2012年四月号に「日本の紙」特集記事を依頼をうけ投稿し掲載
Year 2012:
Started to farming of Mulberry trees at 2 locations. (Kyoto, Kanagawa)
Starting to produce house made Nikawa (Animal Glue)
Participate in French IPH conference.
AFHEPP (Association Française pour l’Histoire et l’Étude du Papier et des Papeteries) requested to contribute an essay about “Japanese Paper” for their magazine called “PapierS” and published on April 2012 issue.
Donating the conservation paper for East Japan Earthquake Disaster Cultural Property Rescue.
国産漆の消費量がわずかになる中、活動を続ける岩手県二戸市の浄法寺漆を購入。紙と漆による生産実験を行う。 「美術を日常へ」鑪屋工房漆部新作発表会を実施
多摩美術大学 紙漉き場 新規設置協力
評議員 青柳正規氏が、文化庁長官就任のため紙守財団を辞任。
Year 2013:
Joboji Urushi (lacquer) Support: Despite of decreasing consumption of Japanese Urushi, Joboji (located Nito-shi Iwate prefecture) continue to produce the Urushi. Support by purchasing their authentic Japanese Urushi.
Conduct research and development of paper and Urushi. “Bring art to our daily life, Tataraya-studio urushi line exhibition” was held as a result of this project.Book “Local area and Cultural properties”, edited by Directors Representatives Mr. Watanabe from Bensei Publishing was published.
高知県黒潮町の楮を使用し、修復用極薄楮紙を漉く。3.15g/㎡ から6.3g/㎡まで数段買いに漉きわけ、修復の用途に合わせて使い分けられるように制作。
Year 2014:
Produce conservation paper with mulberry skin from Kuroshio-town, Kochi prefecture, various thickness from 3.15g/㎡ ~ 6.3g/㎡ in order to be able to meet different kinds of purposes for conservation.
渡邊明義 代表理事、逝去。
Year 2015:
Certificate of Commendation was given to Kobushi-no-kawa elementary school students for studying and supporting the mulberry farming in Kuroshio town, Kochi prefecture.
Directors Representatives Mr. Akiyoshi Watanabe, passed away.
代表理事に広瀬晴子氏 就任。
金沢21世紀美術館に於ける「生誕百年記念 井上有一展」に助成。
Year 2016:
Inauguration of new Directors Representatives Ms. Haruko Hirose
Inheriting the Old Shikoku Paper Currency used in Edo Period, started to study the age and materials character of the same period.
Suponcer “ A Centennial Exhibition INOUE Yuichi” 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa.
「GENUINE JAPAN」にて講習会を行う。
Asian Art HK 2017 にて日本の伝統的な紙漉きと、修復保存についての講義を行う。
Year 2017:
Provide Lecture Class at a program called “GENUINE JAPAN”
Lecture at Asian Art HK 2017 titled “The heritage and Art of Paper Making, Conservation and Restoration in Japan”.
Lecture at Musashino Art University.
2008年より取り組んできた高知県黒潮町佐賀北部地域協議会「若山楮産地拡大プロジェクト」への栽培技術指導及び収穫した楮の買取り支援。 1月に『地域伝統産業復活から10年、若山楮の魅力とその価値を再確認〜 黒潮町「若山楮」』講演会と現地視察会が実施され、当財団による、「日本・世界の「かみ」を取り巻く情勢・財団紙守が見る若山楮の価値」の題目で講演を行う。
武蔵野美術大学にて「紙を守る 〜千年、二千年の時を耐えるかみ〜」の題目で講義を実施。
独立行政法人国際協力機構(JICA) 大エジプト博物館合同保存修復プロジェクトへ、一般財団法人日本国際協力センターを通して、ツタンカーメン王墓出土遺物を含むエジプトの文化財の調査、いそう、保存修復に関わる大エジプト博物館(GEM)職員の人材育成および技術移転事業への修復用紙の無償支援。
Year 2018:
Since year 2008, continuous support for the “Expand the production of Wakayama Mulberry Project” organized by the Kochi prefecture Kuroshio town Saga-Hokubu area committee. In January, the 10th anniversary meeting was held, and gave a lecture regarding the surrounding situation about paper all over the world, and needs over Kochi Wakayama-Mulberry paper.
Lecture at Musashino Art University
Contracted and repaired "55 works of Inoue Yu-ichi" through open bidding from The National Museum of Modern Art, Kyoto.
Provided Japanese Conservation paper to “The Grand Egyptian Museum Joint Conservation Project“ is a project of Japan International Cooperation Agency jointly implemented by Japan International Cooperation Center, working with the Grand Egyptian Museum Conservation Center to complete the conservation of artifacts, most of which are from the famous King Tutankhamun’s collection.
Year 2019
Start operating farming of Mulberry(Kouzo) and Paper bush(Mitsumata).